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I just wanted to say thank you for all the many beautiful ways you contribute to homemakers!

I’ve been a stay at home/homeschooling mom for almost 15 years now, always wishing to “skill up”, but typically feeling overwhelmed. I found your blog and YouTube channel while searching for content creators that use Einkorn. Then an even more expanded world of homemaking was opened up to me through the podcast. What a gift! I have learned and grown so much over the last few years as a homemaker and person. The idea of hard work “being good” was not something that was instilled in me, but something I’ve desired to grasp for myself, and instill in my four daughters. I’ve become better at organization and preparation in my home, and I’ve learned to “choose my hard”. Your resources have encouraged growth in my life as a mom, wife, and Christ follower. During 2020, I got off of social media. My nervous system just couldn’t handle the stress and chaos.I felt a tug to “live a quieter life and work with my hands”. If I had Instagram, I would’ve left this comment for both you and Angela. I cannot imagine how much work goes into all that you produce online. So thank you for continuing to be in all of the online places.

I’m in the middle of this past Monday’s podcast, where you’re talking about slowing down to a human pace. What a lovely idea. I love it and wholeheartedly agree! So, “in that vein” (sorry, I couldn’t help myself 😄) I wanted to recommend a book I’m currently reading. It’s all about slowing down and the way it’s laid out, can easily be read in bite sized chunks. It’s the perfect book to keep on hand for when you have just a few minutes, instead of picking up your phone. It’s called World Enough & Time. I’m only a few chapters in, but it is so good! Totally in keeping with your thoughts on slowing down. It’s by a secular author but its pace is slow and winsome and the writing is lovely!

Blessings to you!

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